Wednesday, June 15, 2011

17 Weeks

I guess I'm not that great with this blogging concept yet! I forgot to update you all on the last appointment.

They wouldn't tell us the genders, so the suspense continues (doctor's policy, they don't tell until 20 weeks). We will now find out on July 7th at 3:40 p.m. We're really excited too because our moms will both be attending as well! It will be a little party in a very little room with hopefully a shopping trip afterward to celebrate! 

The other appointment went really well though. The babies' heartbeats were strong and the ultrasound tech couldn't believe I haven't felt them yet with all the moving they are doing. They both measured around 4.5"! Apparently their size won't be affected until later on in development when they begin to run out of room in my stomach. She was happy with my weight and stats too, so all is good. It would've been a very quick appointment if you took out all the waiting around time.

So far things are falling in to place well. We are so blessed to be purchasing a car to replace my Jeep from Nate's grandma, which has been a huge  relief! So everyone will fit and be safe.

My maternity leave has been filed with HR and approved and I have enough time to take the full six months off and come back with some leave left over! So I'll officially be at home November 7 - May 14 which is just still another awesome blessing!

We are both (Nate and I) so thankful for all the support and love for the babies that we've received from all our friends and family members. We can't wait for all that is to come.

Thanks again for your continued prayers. 

PS: The bridesmaid dress fits so all is well!! :)

(the girls are excited to meet their new siblings!)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Quick update

Sorry I haven't posted lately... I had a few minutes today - so I thought I'd get you caught up.

Nate did an awesome job and finished up the guest room! It looks great. All that is left is ordering in the closet doors and then it will be ready for anyone who wants to come volunteer to help with the babies. Or visit. Either or. I'll take a few photos and post them soon.

This week (Wednesday at 3 p.m.) is our 16 week appointment. We are really hoping to find out gender - so hopefully I'll have an exciting update for Wednesday night or Thursday. Otherwise, I'm feeling great and things are going really well. Nothing too drastic to share.

Apparently from now on I could feel the babies move. I don't think I've felt anything yet, but will let you know when I have.

To date we've done a lot of growing and according to we have fingerprints, they are peeing now (which I'm not sure how I feel about that) and they are the sizes of avocados this week. Since there are two they may be a little smaller than that - but that's what the site says about one. They can also sense light this week! Apparently if you hold a flashlight to my stomach they would move away from it. Not sure how I'm supposed to know that since I can't feel them? I told Nate I was going to bring a flashlight to the ultrasound and try it, but he wasn't sure that would be a good idea. I might still sneak it in my bag and see if I can weave it into conversation with the tech! :)

We'll, that's all I've got. I will share my bridesmaid dress saga and other melt-down stories at a later date when they are actually funny to me... and hope to have an exciting update on genders soon!!

Thanks for your continued prayers!