Monday, April 25, 2011

Meet the twins

Well, if you are reading this post, chances are you have ran in to my mom and she couldn't wait to share the news - or you are family, or even a close friend... or maybe you're my furthest reader, all the way in India catching up on your newest family members ("hi" Aunt Kate)!

I'm keeping it short and sweet today because it has taken me a while to design the site and the laptop is making my already warm belly even warmer, so to the point, meet the twins:

Here is a photo of the two babies together -

Ready for their close-ups, meet Baby "A" -
(Baby "A" was at a difficult angle and not nearly as photogenic as Baby "B", so we sort of think it may be a boy not caring about his first photo)

Close-up of Baby "B" ready for her photo shoot -

Well, that's all for the first post! I promise for a little more next time. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Those babies are the most beautiful babies that I have ever seen! I am looking SO forward to being their grammy & kissing them silly!!! :)

Anonymous said...

YAYYYYYYYYY!!! I still can't believe it. But these photos def make it believable. I can't wait to meet them and hold them in my arms. I like why you think 'baby a' is a boy; it made me laugh out loud. Love you so much, and can't wait to see all the updates Momma! <3


Anonymous said...

O, and I love the blog name. I had a blonde moment, and thought..."what they heck are chettes!??". Haha. I even looked it up on google and couldn't find an answer. Then I realized it was TWO chettes. Like Touchette. HAHA. OO man

Lindsey said...

Yeah Kate! I'm glad you got to read it and see the pictures!! :) Love you.

Anonymous said...

O, P.S- They spelt your name wrong on the pictures.

Loretta said...

How amazing! Love you guys!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Auntie Kate, you are so funny. You are still making us laugh on the other side of the world!!! :)

Megan Noe said...

YAY... I love it. Super cute. I cant wait to be a "Hey" again not only once but twice all at the same time!