Tuesday, September 27, 2011

32 Week Update

Well today was a full day of baby planning and appointments. Nate and I started the morning interviewing pediatricians... and had a hard choice between two of them. Ultimately, I think we are choosing Dr. Foley. So one more thing to check off the exceedingly LONG list.

After the doctors interviews we had an actual appointment to see the munchkins again. During the ultrasound there was a lot of measuring and everyone is doing amazing! Actually, they are growing so amazingly that they are each 5 lbs. each! According to the doctor, they are measuring as if I was 34 weeks along and not 32. "Yeah" for the babies... not sure how long it will be "yeah" for me.

Overall I'm feeling great. A little pain in my right hip here and there, and it is definitely taking a lot of effort to move around... but things have be OK so far.

We also toured the birthing center at the hospital today - which was a total waste and probably the worst tour either of us have been privileged to attend, but at least we got to see everything ahead of time.

On another note, some of my best friends threw a baby shower for us on Saturday! We received some amazing gifts from people and feel so blessed by all the generousity of some fabulous women. One of the most touching moments were when several of the women, including my mom, prayed blessings over the stages of life of the babies. It meant so much and was so touching... I should've known something "gushy" was about to happen when Melissa made sure I had some kleenex!

Well, that's about it for now... we're on weekly appointments at this point, so I'll try to give you all another update next week!

Thanks for the continued prayers and blessings. 

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