Sunday, October 23, 2011

35 1/2 Weeks

Well, we are getting closer and closer! At our appointment last Wednesday everything checked out well. The babies were both 6 lbs each and a little over 18 inches long. My blood pressure was good too, so I'm trying to keep up relaxing and drinking lots of water and avoiding salt. Although you'll see by the photo below I am swelling a bit.

On another note, the doctor is still advocating for delivery, so it seems that we will be doing this naturally (but with drugs). Which I'm actually okay with. At the appointment we also found out that I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. So the doctor thought I would be going in to labor within the next two weeks. 

I pretty much can only stand for about 10 minutes before I become super uncomfortable, and actually sitting is pretty uncomfortable as well. I suppose you have to get to this point though in order for you to be OK with delivery! You are so uncomfortable you don't care how they come out! LOL.

I have been having some contractions the past two days and have a sneaky feeling that the babies might make their appearances by the end of this week. Who knows though.

This is a photo from this weekend... I'm about 35 1/2 weeks here:

So overall everything is still going really well and we are so blessed by all the support! Most of all, I am beyond thankful to be blessed with such a loving and supportive husband! Nate has been AMAZING during this whole process and I can't imagine sharing this time with anyone else. He has tirelessly cleaned, cooked and created a beautiful nursery for the babies. He's has been more of a support than he will ever know and more than I could ever put in to words and I know he is going to be such a great dad to the twins!!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and hopefully the next post will be introducing the twins!!